
27th Annual Women's Council Celebration Luncheon 2024

The 十大彩票网赌平台 基金会 Women's Council hosted its annual Women's Council Celebration Luncheon on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at Washtenaw Community College.

Thank you to all for making this sold-out event a fabulous success!

Enjoy the photos from the Women's Council Celebration Luncheon.

这次午宴的收益将捐给 十大彩票网赌平台F学生应急基金.

We honored three incredible women and one outstanding women's organization as this 年的“对我等." 

她roes are female heroes who demonstrate professional excellence through their work and 服务; support the lives of women, children and the underserved; and advance 公平、多元化和包容.




维多利亚·伯顿-哈里斯,J.D. is passionate about ensuring that justice and equity 携手并进.

As a family law and criminal defense attorney in Detroit, Victoria witnessed the overcharging of defendants, requests for excessive bail, and vindictiveness on the part of prosecutors. 她 realized that effective change must begin with the gatekeeper to the criminal 司法系统——县检察官.

In 2021, she was appointed Chief Assistant Prosecutor in the Washtenaw 县 Prosecutor’s Office, the first Black woman to hold the position. 她在这所大学教书 密歇根大学法学院.

Victoria is committed to eliminating the inequities of the criminal justice system, which disproportionately impact those who are low income, people of color, youth, and those with mental health and substance abuse disorders. 她推进转移 programs, legal processes to expunge past criminal records and consumer protection 措施.

她 serves as the board chair for We the People Opportunity Farm, a nonprofit working to reduce recidivism and offer a fresh start, and as board chair of the Washtenaw 司法项目.



艾米·塞尔,工商管理硕士,注册会计师, is a workforce powerhouse with a passion for empowering underserved individuals through Amy Cell Talent, the talent consulting and recruiting firm she 成立于2015年. Amy and her team have helped hundreds of start-ups and small businesses 吸引、留住和发展人才. 她支持和推广一些有帮助的项目 求职者克服就业障碍.

Previously, Amy served as a senior vice president for the Michigan Economic Development 公司. 她 directed talent programs for the State of Michigan and launched groundbreaking initiatives to aid employers and the most vulnerable job seekers.

Amy has raised money for college scholarships and volunteers for many area nonprofits. 她有 served on the boards of the Washtenaw Community College 基金会 and the Desai Accelerator and Center for Entrepreneurship at the College of Engineering at 密歇根大学. 她有 transformed countless lives through her commitment 权益.


香农·波尔克,J.D., D.最小值.

香农·波尔克,J.D., D.最小值., is a transformative leader dedicated to guiding the Ann Arbor Area Community 基金会 (AAACF) to greater heights of equity and inclusion and a stronger impact on the lives of Washtenaw 县 residents.

自从成为总统以来 & CEO in early 2022, Shannon has increased the AAACF board and staff diversity by race, gender, sexual orientation, and faith. 她有 increased the accessibility of the staff to the broader community and invited new partners from marginalized communities that were previously underrepresented. 她 advanced a work-life balance policy to benefit parents returning to the workforce and support team members with caregiver responsibilities.

Shannon is a tireless advocate for maternal health, a skilled diversity, equity and inclusion facilitator, and an ordained minister and pastoral leader. 香农的信仰 drives her compassion for the marginalized and gives her the courage to pursue justice, 代表他们的公平和归属.













了解更多有关 妇联妇女理事会
